This year the PDX data system will be opening a couple weeks earlier than usual, on 9/16.  DMHAS will be asking that all PATH data be entered into PDX by mid-November (11/15).

In order to make this as smooth of a process as possible, they highly recommend that all programs pull their HMIS data in the next couple weeks, to start looking at if the data shows as expected.  As a reminder, the PATH year runs 9/1/2023-8/31/2024.  So while the year is not yet complete, they encourage you to take a peek to see if there’s anything unexpected showing up now so it’s less of a scramble during PDX entry time.

Below, please find a series of technical assistance documents from the folks who oversee the PDX system.  In particular, we would encourage you to review the PATH Annual Reporting Checklist for Providers!

PATH Data Review for SPCs 6.17.24

PATH Annual Reporting Checklist for SPCs_6.17.24

PATH Annual Reporting Checklist for Providers_6.17.24

Intro to PATH Data Collection for Providers 6.17.24

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Mollie Machado ( with questions, and feel free to CC Mollie Machado on any helpdesk tickets to Nutmeg around PATH data!