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Since 2004, communities across Connecticut have been entering data into the CT Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Since that time, this statewide database has collected client demographic, service usage and length of stay information on over 200,000 unduplicated clients, the result of hard work by staff in Connecticut’s emergency shelters and transitional living programs.

Beginning in 2008, CT HMIS data will be used to provide invaluable information on homelessness in our state, and analysis of the effectiveness of current efforts to prevent and end homelessness. As the system continues to grow, and data quality continues to improve, our data will become more reliable and the uses more diverse.

CT HMIS Governance

The governance of CT HMIS is designed to ensure the system operates with efficiency, security, and transparency. The CT HMIS Steering Committee, which includes representatives from the Coordinated Access Networks (CANs), is the key decision-making body that guides policy development, data standards, and privacy protections. Nutmeg Consulting, serving as the CT HMIS Admin, is responsible for the technical and operational management of the system, ensuring that it meets the community’s needs while maintaining high data quality and security.

This governance structure is essential for the effective management of CT HMIS and supports Connecticut’s broader efforts to end homelessness. For more detailed information on the governance structure, please click here.

CT HMIS Steering Committee

The CT HMIS Steering Committee is integral to the governance of CT HMIS, overseeing all project activities and ensuring the system functions effectively. Comprised of representatives from CANs, the committee ensures that the diverse perspectives of service providers are reflected in decision-making. Members are selected for their expertise in areas such as data security, quality assurance, and client rights, which are critical for maintaining the system’s integrity.

The committee regularly meets to discuss and address key issues, including privacy protections and data quality, driving the system’s development and implementation. For more information on the committee’s activities and upcoming meetings, please click here.

Participating in CT HMIS

Joining CT HMIS requires following a structured process that prepares agencies to contribute effectively to the system. Participation involves understanding and committing to CT HMIS policies, completing required staff training, and implementing data security measures. Agencies must review and sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), outlining mutual roles and responsibilities.

Once the process is complete, agencies gain access to CT HMIS, enabling them to track client information and coordinate services. For more information about how to participate and begin the process, please click here.