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CT HMIS Steering Committee

CT HMIS Policies and Procedures

The CT HMIS Policies and Procedures document serves as a comprehensive guide for the administration and management of the Connecticut Homeless Management Information System. It outlines the standards, protocols, and responsibilities for all participating organizations to ensure data integrity, privacy, and compliance with federal and state regulations. This document is crucial for maintaining a consistent and secure approach to managing information about individuals experiencing homelessness, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and coordination of homeless services across the state. By adhering to these policies and procedures, strategic partners can ensure that data is used ethically and effectively to improve outcomes for those in need.

For more information, you can view the CT HMIS Policies and Procedures Manual.


CT HMIS Steering Committee

The CT HMIS Steering Committee is comprised of a diverse group of strategic partners dedicated to guiding all project activities related to the Connecticut Homeless Management Information System (CT HMIS). This committee plays a critical role as the decision-making body, providing advice and support to the CT HMIS Admin.

Meetings and Agendas

The CT HMIS Steering Committee meets regularly, with the schedule determined by the committee members. Below you will find a list of upcoming meetings, as well as approved minutes from previous meetings.

Upcoming Meetings

  • Friday September 13, 2024
  • Friday November 8, 2024

Approved Minutes and Agendas


The CT HMIS Steering Committee’s membership is established according to specific guidelines to ensure broad representation and effective communication. Each Coordinated Access Network (CAN) appoints two representatives—a primary and an alternate—who act as liaisons and communicate CT HMIS SC decisions back to their respective CANs.

Membership Guidelines:

  • Appointment Criteria: CANs should consider individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the state homeless services system, CT HMIS, and expertise in areas such as privacy protections, HUD HMIS Data Standards, client rights, data security, data quality, and technology.
  • Roles/Functions: Ideal candidates might include Directors of Quality Assurance, Directors of Programs, or individuals with lived experiences of homelessness.

Responsibilities of Members:

  • Serve as liaisons between their CAN and the CT HMIS SC.
  • Report CT HMIS SC decisions to their CAN, including sharing meeting minutes.
  • Vote on behalf of their CAN on items requiring quorum votes.
  • Provide feedback from their CAN to the CT HMIS SC.
  • Coordinate with alternates to ensure consistent CAN representation at meetings.

Governance and Procedures

The CT HMIS Steering Committee follows established procedures to ensure privacy protection and effective project implementation. The committee has the authority to add non-voting members from other community sectors as needed.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Ensuring adequate privacy protection provisions in project implementation.
  • Providing a “big picture” view of the state homeless services system and CT HMIS.
  • Maintaining active participation and replacing representatives as necessary.


For more information on CT HMIS Governance, please visit the CT HMIS Governance page.