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Participating in CT HMIS

Why Join CT HMIS?

Participating in CT HMIS not only helps your agency track and manage client information but also contributes to a statewide effort to better understand and address homelessness. By joining CT HMIS, your agency becomes part of a community of service providers working together to make a difference.

If your agency is interested in participating in the Connecticut Homeless Management Information System (CT HMIS) and contributing to the collective effort to end homelessness, you’ll find everything you need to know here. CT HMIS is a vital tool that enables agencies to track client data, coordinate services, and ensure that individuals and families experiencing homelessness receive the support they need. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to join CT HMIS and start entering client information.


Step 1: Understand the Requirements

Before joining CT HMIS, it’s essential to understand the responsibilities and requirements associated with participation:

  • Eligibility: Your agency must provide services related to homelessness or housing instability and be committed to adhering to CT HMIS policies and procedures.
  • Training: All staff who will use CT HMIS must complete the required training programs to ensure proper data entry and system usage.
  • Data Security: Your agency must implement the necessary security measures to protect client information, including complying with HIPAA regulations and CT HMIS security protocols.


Step 2: Review the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a formal agreement between your agency and the CT HMIS Lead Agency. The MOU outlines the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for both parties, including:

  • Data Entry and Quality: Your agency is responsible for entering accurate and timely data into the HMIS system and maintaining high data quality standards.
  • Compliance: Your agency agrees to follow all CT HMIS policies, including data security, privacy, and reporting requirements.
  • Training and Support: The MOU details the support and training your agency will receive from the CT HMIS Lead Agency to ensure successful participation.


Step 3: Complete the Participation Application

To begin the process of joining CT HMIS, your agency needs to complete the CT HMIS Participation Application. This application collects essential information about your agency, including:

  • Agency Information: Basic details about your organization, including contact information and the type of services you provide.
  • Staff Information: A list of staff members who will be using the HMIS system, including their roles and required access levels.
  • Technical Readiness: Details about your agency’s technical infrastructure to ensure compatibility with the HMIS system.


Step 4: Submit the MOU and Application

Once you have reviewed and signed the MOU and completed the Participation Application, you will need to submit these documents to the CT HMIS Admin.


Step 5: Attend Required Training

After your application is approved and the MOU has been executed, all staff members who will be using CT HMIS must complete the required training courses. These training sessions are designed to equip your team with the skills needed to effectively use the HMIS system and ensure that data is entered correctly and securely.

  • Training Portal: Training is available through the CT HMIS online training portal.  To register for training please follow the registration instructions located on the Training Page.


Step 6: Start Using CT HMIS

Once your staff has completed the training, your agency will be granted access to CT HMIS. You can now begin entering client data and utilizing the system to coordinate services and track outcomes.

  • Ongoing Support: The CT HMIS support team is available to assist with any technical issues or questions you may have. You can reach out for help via the support page.