Dear Colleagues,

The Housing Inventory confirmation rate is at 81% complete, leaving approximately 60 non-RRH programs remaining to confirm bed and unit numbers. If you haven’t done so already, please go into the PIT database and confirm your numbers and avoid the persistent emails requesting action be taken. For those who have already done so . . . many thanks!

Nutmeg conducted our first round of Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point in Time (PIT) trainings two weeks ago. Please take advantage of the resources available at the PIT Resources Page on the CT HMIS website where you will find:

As a reminder, the HIC review for all supportive housing programs except Rapid Rehousing (RRH) are due to be completed by Thursday, November 9, 2023, and help desk tickets for those needing additional assistance were due last Thursday, November 2nd.

DV HIC and PIT Clarifications:

HIC: As in recent previous years, the requirement to check and confirm or adjust the HIC will be the responsibility of the individual housing providers this year. This applies to all providers except for RRH at this time. Then, RRH providers will have to complete the HIC after the PIT count as discussed in the webinar.

PIT: CCADV will complete the PIT counts for DV providers.


The HIC and PIT counts are our annual counts, required by HUD, of

  1. all beds and units (HIC) dedicated to serve people experiencing homelessness, and
  2. the people experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness (PIT) at a single point in time within the CoC.

The counts take place at the end of January, but we will complete most of the HIC in October and November.