Greetings CT HMIS users,

We would like to bring to your attention an important update regarding the delays in submitting required reports within the CT HMIS database (CaseWorthy).  Certain reports are currently being affected due to challenges with the 2024 HMIS Data Standards updates.

HUD had urged recipients to reach out to their Community Planning and Development (CPD) Representative for guidance, with some users already having done so and await further instructions. Despite continuous efforts from HMIS vendors to resolve issues impacting reports, certain systems are presently incapable of generating the necessary reports correctly.

In light of these circumstances, HUD has assured that the delays will be considered unforeseen, beyond the recipient’s control, and will be taken into account as mitigating factors during program compliance monitoring.

HUD has encouraged submitting reports as soon as practical. The current estimated deadline for submission is December 15. It is also imperative for all users to keep a record of notifications from their respective HMIS vendors concerning delays in reporting implementation.

We want to assure all End Users that Nutmeg is actively engaged in collaboration with CaseWorthy to address the current reporting challenges. Our team is diligently working to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to resolve the issues at hand in a timely manner. We understand the importance of seamless reporting processes and are committed to ensuring that the necessary steps are taken to rectify the situation promptly. Rest assured, we are closely monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates as we work towards a resolution. The link below will list the issues we are currently addressing. Your patience and cooperation during this time are greatly appreciated.

CaseWorthy 2024 Data Standards Upgrade – Known Issues

HUD Notice

Thank you,

Nutmeg Consulting